Aigooooo. So much homework.... Can't finish them all la, stupidddd
I'm trying to translate the <烟火的秘密>.. It's too long and too much and too hard, loool.
So I hope someone can translate for me. ^_^
Friday, me and miin drank alcohol in school. SHHH, it's a secret between you and me, okay?
we actually drank soju, it's generally made of sweet potato, and it tasted like one too. (=
But we felt soo sooo soooo hot after drinking it, because it's for people in winter countries to keep their body warm, and us? we are in a burning country we still drink such hot alchohol, lol.
After drinking it, immediately i'm sweating! Thank god that time our session end already, or else.....
Arhhh, I wanna buy the CSSPF aka TVXQ! t-shirt!!!!!! I want I want I want!! )=
I want it badly.. although the design is a bit... ahem, BUT I WANT LAAAAA~
Who can help me to post the money?????
14 years ago